Telugu super hit film Ala Modalaindi is being remade in Kollywood with Gautham Karthik of Kadali fame in the lead role. Gautam Karthik has received many accolades for his performance in Kadal though the film turned out to be a below average fare.
The original version has Nani and Nithya Menon in the main lead and Nadini Reddy directed this movie. The Tamil version will be directed by Ravi Thyagarajan. There is a buzz earlier that the film will be remade in Bollywood too.
Ala Modalaindi has been made with a medium budget but the romantic comedy entertainer turned out to be a surprising hit and Nani, Nithya’s chemistry got good applauses. It is not yet finalized on who is going to play Gautham Karthik’s love interest in the Tamil remake.